Gorick marks 40 years in the industry

Celebrations have been taking place at Centaur Technologies as chairman Jeremy Gorick marks 40 years in the liquid roofing industry.
Jeremy has worked for some leading industry names over the last four decades and has reportedly been a key figure in driving the incredible growth of liquid roofing products.
Jeremy first joined the industry in 1978, cutting his teeth at Liquid Plastics – the family business that was established by his father and twin brother in 1961. He grew the Preston-based firm, which is said to have risen to prominence in the liquid roofing market in the late 1990s and went on to sell the business in 2009. By that time, Liquid Plastics was supplying around of 80% of the liquids used for flat roofing in the UK.
A well-known figure in the industry, Jeremy immediately set up Centaur Technologies with Phil Richardson and Bob Stanfield, two key former directors at Liquid Plastics, and together they developed the company’s flagship Centech PU hybrid polyurethane roofing solution – a liquid roofing system that is described as ‘durable, cost effective, and inherently safe’. The product has now been installed in many commercial and public-sector buildings across the UK.
Commenting on his 40-year career in the industry, Jeremy said: “The liquid roofing industry was in its infancy when I started out and I’ve had a unique insight into what’s driven and shaped it from the very beginning. It’s quite a shock to have notched up four decades in the industry but I’m very pleased to have been involved for so long. I’m also proud to have been part of the movement that pioneered modern liquid roofing products, setting them on course to become respected, mainstream roofing systems.
“My mission now is to ensure that health and safety is always at the top of the agenda in this industry. I’m passionate about driving standards in liquid roofing and we want to see specifiers and building owners only ever using products that are safe in composition. It’s also crucial to stamp out the incidences of fires of roofs by educating everyone about the potentially catastrophic risks of hot works on roofs. Achieving those two goals would be a terrific highlight in the next stage of my career.”