Knauf Insulation U-value calculator saves architects time
Architects and specifiers can calculate U-values quickly and more accurately with Knauf Insulation’s online U-value calculator which now features even more applications to help save architects and specifiers time.
The tool speeds up calculations by allowing users to choose from a range of typical build-ups as well as inputting full specifications. In response to demand, Knauf Insulation has added build-ups for twin leaf steel frame partitions and suspended timber ground floors. The existing roof build-ups have also been refined so they can be adjusted to accurately reflect whether the construction has 400mm or 600mm centres.
“We know that when you’re doing multiple calculations, as architects and specifiers do for housing developments, for example, the minutes saved by using the pre-programmed build-ups quickly add up,” said Matt Prowse, Director (Specification & Housing) at Knauf Insulation. “So, we’ve listened to architects and specifiers and expanded the range of typical build-ups to include more of the calculations they do regularly. The new build-ups for twin leaf steel frame partitions are particularly useful when calculating the heat loss between a flat or apartment and an unheated corridor.”
“Accuracy is also important, but most online tools calculate U-values for roof and floor applications using default figures based on typical dimensions of the timber elements. Because they can choose between 400mm or 600mm centres, architects and specifiers can be confident the U-value calculations are correct because they are representative of the actual construction.”
All calculations are performed in line with BS EN ISO 6946 and 13370. The tool recommends the most suitable Knauf Insulation Glass or Rock Mineral Wool product for the chosen application. Users can then download detailed calculations, BIM files, and product data, or send a copy of their calculation to their email address.
Save time on your U-value calculations by using Knauf Insulation’s free online U-value calculator at For technical support call 01744 766 666 or email