Laminates for sound performance by absorption

Abet Laminati’s continuing partnership with Print Acoustics – a division of Belgian company Triplaco – has reportedly proven popular in helping combat the ongoing problems of sound reverberation in commercial, public sector, school, restaurant, retail and residential environments.

Modern design trends for minimalist interiors coupled with hard surfaces is said to create issues with sound pollution bouncing around interior spaces affecting ambient noise levels and the associated discomfort for users.

Noise can also impact on the success of a space. In education, for example, many studies have reportedly shown that noise impacts learning. A Bronzaft and McCarthy study showed that New York City students were hampered in their reading skills by elevated noise levels. Students 70 metres from an elevated subway track lagged behind their peers on the quieter side of the building, between three months and as much as one year. Another example is open offices in a work environment. This is said to be a cost-driven trend but loss of efficiency up to 25% of the occupants has been proven in different studies.

There are over 500 Abet colours and woodgrain finishes available for use as wall cladding, for cabinet doors or freestanding units. They are said to be specially designed to embrace the hospitality, retail, commercial, education and residential sectors where noise pollution can be a problem particularly in meeting rooms, music rooms, restaurants, school halls, sports halls and shops.

Various micro-perforations or groove patterns present a deeply embossed surface reportedly giving a sculptured and tactile feel, coupled with an aesthetically appealing look, whether used as individual modules for localised sound dampening or installed across a whole wall to create an attractive and sound-absorbing feature with a Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC) up to 0.85.

As with all the finishes from Abet Laminati, the range reportedly meets or exceeds all European and British performance standards for resistance to wear, heat, moisture, impact and scratching ensuring long lifecycle, minimum maintenance and enduring visual appeal.
