Aico launches first combined Heat & CO Alarm

Aico has launched its first combined Heat & Carbon Monoxide (CO) Alarm. The new Ei3028 from Aico is the company’s first mains-powered Multi-Sensor Heat & CO Alarm. Unique to the new 3,000 series, is described as a convenient, cost-effective, efficient solution to protecting residents from both fire and CO in the kitchen and garage.
The kitchen is the most dangerous room in a home according to Aico. As well as the risk of fire, cooking appliances along with other appliances such as boilers can pose a danger in the form of CO – a potentially lethal gas that you can’t see, smell or taste. Combining heat and CO detection in one alarm is therefore a sensible approach according to Aico.
The Ei3028 Heat & CO Alarm contains an electrochemical CO sensor and its thermistor heat sensor which is said to react to temperatures of 58ºC or over. To distinguish between the two events – fire or CO – the alarm has a different sound for each, plus there are clear flashing fire and CO indicators on the unit itself. It is said to come with AudioLink data extraction and SmartLink whole system remote data monitoring capability.
Managing director, Neal Hooper, said: “To protect against both fire and CO has traditionally meant fitting two separate alarms – a heat alarm and a CO alarm. The Ei3028 features both in one compact unit which is cost-effective in terms of outlay and installation, plus a single ceiling-mounted alarm is aesthetically more appealing than two, especially if they are mismatched in design style.”
The Ei3028 Multi-Sensor Heat & CO Alarm is designed to work as part of a fire alarm system that also includes smoke alarms, all interconnected to meet British Standards. It forms part of Aico’s new 3,000 series alarms, which includes a mains-powered multi-sensor fire alarm and single sensor optical, heat & CO alarms, providing whole property coverage from one series.
All alarms in the 3,000 Series use the same easi-fit base (a first for Aico CO Alarms) and feature intelligent sensors, AudioLink data extraction and SmartLink wireless interconnection and whole system data monitoring capability.