BBA-certified damp-proofing solutions from Newton

Newton Waterproofing Systems is reportedly the oldest independent suppliers of damp-proofing products in the UK, ever since it introduced the first damp-proofing membrane, Newtonite, back in 1937. Its range has been further bolstered by three new BBA-certified damp-proofing products to provide a comprehensive solution for the problem of rising damp.

Rising damp is the upward flow of moisture from the ground through the capillaries in a wall. Usually reaching a maximum height of up to 1.5 metres above ground level, the effects of rising damp include the spoiling of internal finishes, erosion of the fabric of the building, a reduction in the thermal properties of the structure, and negative health effects for the occupants of the building.

As the water evaporates it also deposits moisture-attracting (hygroscopic) salts in the wall. These reportedly cause more problems, as their crystallisation process can damage plaster finishes, and they also attract moisture from the air in the internal environment, leading to further damp issues.

According to Newton, once a survey has identified rising damp, the best method for stopping it is a two-part process that deals with both the source of the rising damp, and the potential for internal issues caused by the salts.

To prevent rising damp in new-builds, the BBA-certified physical damp-proof membrane Newton 809-DPC is installed. However, for remedial rising damp situations this process is ‘too expensive and impractical’, so the company says the best method is to use Newton 804-DPC to convert an existing mortar course into a new DPC. This high-strength damp-proofing cream works by diffusing along the mortar course before curing into a breathable and water-repellent barrier that stops the rising damp.

Next, re-plastering internally is crucial to tackling hygroscopic damp. Newton 808-RA is therefore employed as a salt-resistant render additive that prevents the passage of residual moisture and hygroscopic salts from the underlying masonry to the new internal surface. Both Newton 804-DPC and Newton 808-RA are also fully certified by the BBA.
