Are installers making the most of their supplier?

Tougher market conditions mean installers will have to use every little advantage to get ahead of the competition. But are they making the most of their supplier, asks Laura Richardson, Director of major North East uPVC and aluminium fabricator TWR Group?

As a fabricator, there’s nothing worse than hearing a customer utter the words “oh, we didn’t realise you did that” when you mention a product in your range. Your puzzled face says ‘really?’ while theirs says, ‘well, you never told us.’

Which is a fair point. As fabricators we could always do better at communicating everything we do to customers. However, if you are an installer, it’s worth asking yourself the question: do I know everything that my supplier offers? Do you know if your existing aluminium supplier might also offer uPVC products too?

Times have changed, of course, and while installers used to be creatures of habit and stick with their supplier, in today’s competitive landscape, and with a slowdown in the market, they are constantly seeking ways to maximise profits and looking elsewhere to find the best price or a quicker lead time.

Many installers fall into the habit of shopping around for separate suppliers for aluminium and uPVC, and while securing the best possible deals is crucial, building a strong partnership with a single, reliable supplier can offer significant benefits beyond just price.

A single supplier can deliver all your windows and doors in one go, meaning you won’t have to juggle different suppliers and multiple schedules which could potentially lead to delays. It will also simplify invoicing, with a single invoice from one source reducing administrative hassle.

A single point of contact will make things easier, save time and help build up a stronger relationship, while a single online portal for ordering both uPVC and aluminium products will simplify the ordering process.

A supplier with expertise in both materials can provide comprehensive technical support and guidance, while consolidating your supplier base can potentially lead to reduced stockholding requirements and improved cash flow.

While the initial costs might appear lower with separate suppliers, the inefficiencies that come with that can outweigh any perceived savings. By partnering with a dual fabricator that offers both aluminium and uPVC products, installers can benefit from a much more streamlined process which will save time and money.

As an installer, now is the time to ask what else your fabricator can help you with. You might just be surprised at what else they can offer.

TWR Group manufactures and supplies aluminium doors and windows using profiles from Smart Systems and Cortizo, and the full range of uPVC products made with the Logik system from Eurocell. Products are manufactured in-house across two dedicated factories and then delivered nationwide. For more information, call 0191 565 2200 or email
