Constructing Excellence South West: ‘A truly valuable membership’

Constructing Excellence South West (CESW) is a cross-sector, cross-supply chain member-led organisation which operates for the good of the industry and its stakeholders.

And one company that has benefitted from its great membership for three years is Dowlas Property Group.

The Somerset-based company is made up of ambitious property, land and investment consultants who enable growth in the leisure, commercial and retail sectors to complement residential development projects.

Matt Tyler, Director at Dowlas Property Group, said: “As a construction professional, I’ve been a member of Constructing Excellence South West for 15 years. So, when I joined Dowlas in 2020, I understood how beneficial it could be for the group to do the same.

“As an organisation, we’re passionate about sustainability and encouraging more diversity within the sector. This is why it’s great to be part of a group that also sees these things as priorities and allows us to help influence change based on our own experiences.

“Constructing Excellence South West is one of the only organisations in the region which provides a platform for its members who are keen to play a more proactive role in implementing change throughout the sector.

“Although the industry is well known for operating in silos, it’s certainly much stronger when everyone comes together and works more collaboratively. CESW helps to facilitate this by offering a range of networking opportunities where you can meet with like-minded people and share examples of best practice.

“We truly value this membership and believe it should be seen as a real investment in your own business and the industry as a whole. Not only can you help to improve the quality of the sector and the end user experience but you’re also able to broaden your own knowledge and skillset.”

Constructing Excellence South West is unlike any other organisation operating in the region, creating endless networking opportunities for its members who want to support the future of the industry.

Andrew Carpenter, CEO of Constructing Excellence South West, said: “It’s great to have a proactive organisation like Dowlas Property Group participating in our events and theme group discussions.

“The sector has a history of being fragmented but to tackle key issues like climate crisis and building safety, organisations must work more collaboratively to positively impact the wider industry.

“We hope to see more companies like Dowlas Property Group become members of Constructing Excellence South West so they too can participate in our networking events and help to influence change and best practice throughout the built environment.”

For more information on Constructing Excellence South West and the benefits of its annual membership, visit:
