Industry reaction to snap General Election announcement

After the news on 18th April that there would be a snap General Election on 8th June, the building industry has met the announcement with mixed reviews.

BSRIA was quick to welcome the news, with Julia Evans, BSRIA Chief Executive saying: “There has been much chaos and mixed-messages surrounding Brexit since June last year so we trust this announcement will bring much-needed clarity and order in the Brexit debate and beyond.

“Industry needs strong leadership to avoid a disruptive cliff-edge. Indeed, as we move forward, we must not lose sight of the fact that it is crucial that the construction industry’s voice is heard in the Brexit deliberations. What is evident is that the ‘construction industry is open for business’.

“Whoever forms the next Government needs to build a robust partnership between industry and Government that looks to future.”

But Melanie Leech, Chief Executive, British Property Federation reacted to the news with slightly less confidence, saying: “The Prime Minister’s decision to call a new general election creates some short-term uncertainty at a time when it’s critical to maintain business and investor confidence. It should, however, provide the next government with a clear mandate to negotiate our future relationship with the EU and deliver the UK’s long-term economic health.

“Real estate is a willing partner for Government through this period as it delivers its industrial strategy and we have five key messages: work with us to maintain investor confidence in the UK and to drive growth; provide fair, competitive and stable tax, regulatory and planning systems; invest in infrastructure and free up public sector land; help us to address the skills shortage in our industry; and support more housing supply across all tenures.”
