Pocket door tips

Make sure it is easy to install and will result in a professional finish.
Tip One: Check the instructions. Does assembly involve cutting pocket verticals or horizontals to make the system fit? Does installation involve aligning separate components?
Ideally, the track and pocket should assemble into single unit for insertion into the studwork. Is there a self-centering floor guide that automatically aligns with the pocket?
Tip Two: Have a look at the list of parts. Does it include a jamb kit? What about a metal anti-warp profile for the underside of your door?
The jamb kit is a timber lining kit that attaches to the pocket door framework that covers the edges of the door when it is closed, so you cannot see the top of the door or into the pocket. It gives the pocket door installation a professional finish. An anti-warp profile fits into a routed channel on the underside of the door and slides on a spigot on the floor guide. If your door does warp a metal profile won’t and the pocket door will continue to slide smoothly.
Tip Three: Consider quality and durability. You are installing the system in the wall and it needs to last.
Check the guarantee. Has the frame been tested for strength or the runners for durability? Has the frame been corrosion tested?
The Eclisse Classic Single Pocket Door Systems meets all these criteria.