Talking about a new generation

European steel producer Tata Steel has launched its new generation three-layer Colorcoat Prisma pre-finished steel, offering ultraviolet (UV) resistance and durability.

The latest evolution is based on a three-layer technology that delivers enhanced aesthetics with colour and gloss retention.

The Colorcoat Prisma will be available with an extended Confidex Guarantee for up to 40 years.

Colorcoat Prisma also incorporates Tata Steel’s Galvalloy metallic coating to provide corrosion protection.

The product is also available in new colours ideal for wall applications, whilst the Solid and Special Metallics colour ranges have also been updated based on market feedback and insight to include new colours such as Ariana, an earthy bronze metallic and Sargasso, a solid deep dark shade of blue.

Samples of the Colorcoat Prisma range have been tested at more than seven worldwide locations with varying climates, such as Florida, Malaysia and Singapore.

Peter Barker, manager product development at Tata Steel said: “Fully REACH compliant, the new Colorcoat Prisma offers an even more durable and aesthetic building envelope solution that also goes the extra mile to support BREAAM and LEED certification.”
