Grass paving considerations

Grass Concrete outlines things you need to consider when specifying grass paving systems
Today’s wide choice of grass paving systems means that specifiers now have a massive choice of products and specification, according to Grass Concrete. As a supplier of grass paving systems for more than 40 years, Grass Concrete says it sees the need for a strict, fit-for-purpose policy in order to achieve sustainability in any construction project.
Take, for example, a car park in daily use:
- Will the grass and the structure be able to withstand the weight of the cars?
- If the application is applied to a to slope, will it function as an armouring layer and will it offer grip?
These are the sort of challenging questions that should be asked to ensure a correct specification.
According to Grass Concrete, specifiers should consider the weight-load impact, as ground reinforcement failure often stems from either an inability to accept weight-load or an issue of waterlogging, causing loss of grass and weakened support.
When considering a design potential, Grass Concrete says planned-use is critical to grass paving choice: cast on-site concrete, pre-cast concrete or plastic systems.
For more frequent daily trafficking, Grass Concrete recommends a concrete system and offers both Grassblock pre-cast units or its cast on-site reinforced Grasscrete system. Grasscrete will cater for regular loads all the way up to heavy goods vehicles and indeed abnormal loads. With ‘exceptional’ performance characteristic in both traffic and water flow applications, Grasscrete is said to remain economical in cost.
According to Grass Concrete, specifiers looking at the sustainability aspects of heavy traffic for grass paving, must consider all aspects: concrete over plastic for structural integrity, as well as depth and shape of the soil pockets, if grass cover is to be sustained.
Grass Concrete says it has a range of products that help contribute to Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS), seeking to mitigate the implications of handling surface water run-off and its implications for the local storm water network, as well as introducing the prospect of rain water harvesting for ecological design.
With an established track record of grass paving installations, Grass Concrete says it works closely with engineers and architects alike to recommend appropriate systems.