Keeping costs to a minimum

The technical experts at SIG360 have provided insulation solutions for a residential development in Coventry.

Brought on to the project by property developers Cassidy Group, SIG360 was tasked with ensuring the development – which comprises 17 dwellings – met Conservation of Fuel and Power: Approved Document Part L (2013) of the Building Regulations.

In order to reduce construction costs, the developers had specified building blocks with a low thermal performance, which meant the project would fail to meet the required Building Regulations.
To allow these blocks to be used, the energy efficiency experts at SIG360 worked with Cassidy Group to improve other thermal products.

SIG360 provide insulation support for a development in Coventry

SIG360 provide insulation support for a development in Coventry

By upgrading the cavity wall insulation to Dritherm 32 100mm, SIG360 was able to ensure the properties within the development would meet required regulations without adding substantial costs to the overall construction cost.


James Cassidy, director at Cassidy Group, said: “We were recommended to contact SIG360 by another property developer, Town & Country Developments, as the building blocks that were originally specified didn’t meet current thermal standards.

“Their team worked closely with us to specify the most appropriate cavity wall insulation that would allow us to use these blocks. This ensured we kept costs to a minimum without compromising on comfort for the residents, while ensuring essential regulations are met.”
